Kiron presented the paper ‘Changes to commute mode: The role of life events, spatial context and environmental attitude’ in a special session devoted to ‘Life-Course and Life-Cycle Effects in Travel Behaviour’ at the annual US Transportation Research Board conference in Washington D.C., Jan 2015. The session was conceived and chaired by Professor Junyi Zhang (Hiroshima University).
Apart from Kiron, there were two presentations by researchers from TU Dortmund who had hosted the Mobility Biographies and Mobility Socialisation workshop in Dortmund in February 2014 which Kiron attended. They both reported results from the three generations biographical data that has been obtained via students at TU Dortmund. Janna Albrecht presented findings on how the residential history of the current adult generation is influenced by that of their parents, while Lisa Döring focused on employment histories and gave results on how the number of work trip episodes of adults is influenced by the number of work trip episodes experienced by their parents. In addition, Lama Bou Mjahed (Northwestern University, US) gave a presentation on how childhood travel experiences influence walking in adult life and Jae Hyun Lee (University of California, Santa Barbara) compared life-cycle groups in terms of daily contacts and activity-travel time allocation.