2005 - Micro-simulation of travel behaviour change

Miller (2005) takes a similar conceptual approach to Salomon and Ben-Akiva, considering there to be two levels of decision making: long run decisions determine spatial context (e.g. where people live and work) and short run decisions made day to day (e.g. the choice of travel mode used for different trips). Short run decisions are governed by the resources and constraints set by long run decisions. He introduced the concept of household ‘stress’ which can occur where there is excessive constraint from the spatial and mobility context and that this can lead to an incentive to make changes of different kinds e.g. acquiring an additional car to reduce pressure on the household vehicle fleet, or moving home to reduce commute times. This forms the conceptual basis for the development of a dynamic Integrated Land Use Transportation Environment Modelling System.

Key Reference

Miller, E. (2005) An integrated framework for modelling short and long run household decision making. In: H. Timmermans, ed. Activity Based Analysis. 1st ed. Oxford: Elsevier Ltd, pp.175-201.

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