End of Project Showcase

Join us at our free end-of-project showcase to hear compelling new evidence of how the journey to work can affect:

  • Mental health and levels of stress;
  • Physical health;
  • Job satisfaction; and
  • Satisfaction with life overall.

When: Monday 11th September 2017, from 14:15-17:00

Where: Department for Transport, 33 Horseferry Road, London, SW1P 4DR

To register, please go to our Eventbrite page

Event details

We will discuss:

  • the influence of long commutes, the use of different transport modes, and the ability to work from home on these different aspects of employee wellbeing.
  • the role of related lifestyle factors like employment type, working hours, income and family circumstances.
  • how commuting has differing impacts on different groups in the population - comparing males vs females, rich vs poor and urban vs rural dwellers.

After presenting the new evidence, there will be an opportunity to discuss how it can be used to inform policy across the transport, health and employment sectors.


14:15-14:30 Arrivals
14:30-14:40 Welcome – Introducing the study
14:40-15:00 The impact of commuting on wellbeing – a review of international evidence
15:00-15:30 Findings 1: The influence of longer journeys and commute mode
15:30-15:40 Break
15:40-15:55 Findings 2: Gender, income and where you live
15:55-16:10 Findings 3: Changing commutes and changing lives
16:10-16:50 Policy implications – facilitated discussion
16:50-17:00 Close
17:00-17:30 Informal discussions

About the Commuting & Wellbeing study

The Commuting & Wellbeing study was undertaken by the Universities of the West of England and Leeds, in partnership with the Department for Transport, Department of Health, Department for Communities and Local Government and the What Works Centre for Wellbeing. It was funded by the ESRC (Grant No. ES/N012429/1) and completed between February 2016 and July 2017.

The new evidence is based on information about the lives of over 26,000 employed people living in England, using data from the Understanding Society survey. This world leading population survey is part funded by the Department for Transport and the Department of Health.